Junior High Parents if you have a veteran in the family you would like to acknowledge please submit their information via this form for our Veterans day Celebration https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfkSOjyXwbzebioSxxCpaFhu3nziiXzvcUe706ZQPPz9fYQQ/viewform
about 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
veterans day
Red ribbon week is this week. Here are your dress up days for the week.
about 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
red ribbon week
Junior High Bookfair starts today. We will be open til 5:30 today and Monday through Friday of next week. Stop b and see us.
about 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
LVJH PTO fundraiser starts today. Access the FANCLOTH sale is here. Access it through this link https://bit.ly/3rXgRKN
about 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
Your students will bring home a pair of Solar Eclipse Glasses on Thursday October 12, 2023. These glasses must be returned to their science teachers on Monday October 16, 2023. Thank you for your help with this.
about 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
Attention Parents
Attention 8th Grade Parents and Students. Yearbook 8th Grade Ads are now on sale. Give you student a shout out they won't forget! 1/8 page - $25, 1/4 page - $45, 1/2 page - $90, Full page ads $175. Follow this link https://www.balfour.com/student-info?smi=90858#remove to purchase a yearbook ad for your student.
about 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
8th grade ads
Mrs. Zinsmeyer’s class worked together to answer the clues, solve the riddles, open the locks, and save the school.
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
science student
science student
science student
science student
science student
science student
science students
Junior High yearbooks are on sale for $40 through 10/1 Hurry up and order before the price increases! got to https://www.balfour.com/student-info?smi=90858
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
yearbook sale
LVJH would like to thank the La Vernia Education Foundation for providing a set of solar eclipse glasses to every student in LVISD. We look forward to sharing this once in a lifetime event with our students!
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
solar eclipse
Attention 8th Grade Parents and Students. Yearbook 8th Grade Ads are now on sale. Give you student a shout out they won't forget! 1/8 page - $25, 1/4 page - $45, 1/2 page - $90, Full page ads $175. Follow this link https://www.balfour.com/student-info?smi=90858#remove to purchase a yearbook ad for your student.
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
8th grade ad
Attention 8th graders! There will be an important DC and New York World Strides Meeting on Wednesday September 20th at 6pm in the Junior High Cafeteria. We will be discussing our big fundraiser, as well as a timeline for different meetings throughout the upcoming year leading up to the trip. Please make plans to attend. See Coach Hill or Mrs. Armstrong if you have any questions.
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
world strides meeting
La Vernia Junior High Yearbook presale has begun. Yearbooks are $40.00 until October 1st. After which the price will be $45.00. You can place your order online at https://www.balfour.com/student-info?smi=90858
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
yearbook ad
8th Grade Parents we are excited to announce that the LVJH Yearbook will include 8th grade shout out ads. The ads may be purchased now through The beginning of March 2024. The pricing and directions are listed in the photo. 1/8 $25.00, 1/4 $45.00, 1/2 $90.00, and full page is $175.00. Give your 8th grader a shout out they will remember.
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
8th grade ads
Great Job LVJH Counselors on the Bullying Presentation Last Week!
over 1 year ago, LVJH
Bullying Presentation
Students and parents please see the La Vernia ISD athletic event policy for the Junior High in the attached photo. Have a great day and Go Bears!
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
LVISD event policy
LVISD closed for Labor Day
over 1 year ago, La Vernia ISD
Attention 8th graders and parents of 8th graders. It is still not to late to sign up for the DC and NY WorldStrides trip happening in June of 2024! There will be a final parent information meeting on Monday August 28th at 6pm in the Junior High Cafeteria! No obligation to sign up, just come hear about this amazing trip!
over 1 year ago, Roma Burrhus
world strides meeting
We are excited to have everything in one place for parents this year utilizing our LVISD App. In our LVISD App, you can access Rooms. Rooms is the new parent-teacher chat feature we have this year. Click on the link for more information on Rooms Support https://www.smore.com/5mxwby
over 1 year ago, La Vernia ISD
Rooms Support Website
Please see this week's Parent Newsletter at the LVJH. https://www.smore.com/p6h3u
over 1 year ago, LVJH
It was a GREAT 1st week at LVJH! Thank you students, parents and staff! It is going to be a GREAT year!
over 1 year ago, LVJH